Media Coverage

Protecting children in the Big Society

…from “Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations” By Jules Evans Protecting children in the Big Society

Further reading & resources

Press & Media Reports Nicholas Debenham interview (BBC Newsnight 1996) Assaults on pupils were ‘harsh and criminal’ (Richmond & Twickenham Times 2006) Parliament Question for Secretary of State for Education on mistreatment of pupils at St. James’ Independent Schools in London (Hansard 2006) Clara Salaman interview – ‘They stole My Parents’ (Guardian 2009) Taste. Smell. […]

Irish Revenue Commissioners look at gifts for SES day school fees (Sunday Times 1995)

Revenue Commissioners look at gifts that replace school feesĀ – Sunday Times, 1995

SES school Headmaster found guilty of assault (Dutch press 2000/01)

Mistreatment of pupils at the Plato School (Amsterdam)

SES Adverts on the London Underground

SES Advertisement seen on the London Underground.

Nicholas Debenham & corporal punishment

Nicholas Debenham was the headteacher of St James (seniors) Boys Schools from 1975 to 2004. In 1984 & 1989 St James schools attracted complaints and negative press coverage about excessive physical punishments, including the junior boys school. Debenham promoted his stance as a proponent of corporal punishment in a series of television and newspaper interviews […]

St James & the SES – Media coverage

The first critical newspaper article on the SES appeared in the UK in the Daily Mail in 1968, focusing on secrecy and a cult of obedience. Since then there has been critical media coverage of the SES, its childrens schools, and its sister schools in a number of countries where the SES operates, principly the […]